Doctor of Philosophy, Linguistics in progress
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
· Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Russell
Certification in Higher Education Teaching
University Teaching Services
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
· Mentor: Dr. Rob Hagiwara
Master of Arts, Linguistics 2008 - 2009
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
· Thesis title: Learning English and French High Vowel Contrasts: Bilingual Children in the GTA.
· Supervisor: Dr. Rena Helms-Park, University of Toronto Scarborough
Bachelor of Arts, Applied Linguistics (Distinction) 2005 - 2008
University of Victoria, Victoria, British-Columbia
— TESL Canada Professional Certificate Standard Two
Faculty of Environmental Design 2001 - 2003
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Faculty of Arts: University One, Major: French 1999 - 2000
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
French Immersion High School Diploma (Honours) 1995 - 1999
Oak Park High School, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Working papers and Conference Proceedings:
2010 “High Vowel Contrasts Among Bilingual Children
Learning English And French”
Proceedings of the 2010 annual conference of the Canadian
Linguistic Association.
Conference Presentations:
2011 “Cross-language activation in ASL-English
bilingual children”
Paper to be presented at the 2nd annual University of Manitoba
Graduate Lecture Series 2011-2012, Winnipeg, Manitoba Jan 27, 2011.
2011 “Cross-language activation in ASL-English
bilingual children”
Paper presented at the 8th International Symposium
on Bilingualism, University of Oslo, Norway, June 15-18, 2011.
(with Dr. Erin Wilkinson). First Author.
2010 “Canadian English-French bilingual children’s
production of high vowel contrasts”
Paper presented at the 9th annual conference of the
High Desert Linguistics Society, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, Nov 4-6, 2010.
2010 “High Vowel Contrasts Among Bilingual
Children Learning English And French”
Paper presented at the 2010 annual conference of the
Canadian Linguistic Association,
Concordia University, Montreal, May 29-31, 2010.
Research Report:
2010 “High Vowel Contrasts Among Bilingual
Children Learning English And French”
Canadian Parents for French National research database.
Presentations to Linguistics Department at the University of Manitoba:
May 2010; October 2010; June 2011.
Teaching Assistant: Linguistics 3400/7590: Field Methods
Sept 2011
Department of Linguistics, University of Manitoba, Wpg, MB, Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Russell
- Prepared handouts and taught students how to download, install and use Unicode IPA keyboard, IPA font, Praat: doing phonetics by computer on both Mac and PC platforms.
Teaching Assistant: Linguistics 1420: Language & Gender
Winter 2011
Winter 2011
Department of Linguistics, University of Manitoba, Wpg, MB, Supervisor: Dr. Jila Ghomeshi
- Graded tests, paper proposals, and research papers.
Guest Lecturer: UC.EDU.3020: English Language Arts Methods Sept. 2010
Department of Education, University College of the North, The Pas, MB, Instructor: S. Oberman
- Prepared and delivered an original lecture, entitled “What is Language; what is linguistics?” Defined the two concepts and discussed Charles Hockett’s characteristics of human language, from The Origin of Speech (1960).
Teaching Mentorship: Linguistics 2880: Acoustic Phonetics Fall 2010
Department of Linguistics, University of Manitoba, Wpg, MB, Supervisor: Dr. Robert Hagiwara
- Prepared and taught four original lessons and assignments.
Casual Tutor: High School English, Winnipeg, MB
2010 - 2011
- Prepared and taught original, personalized lessons, edited essays and assignments for high school courses and university scholarship applications, provided feedback for improvement.
Teaching Assistant: Linguistics 315: Language Acquisition Winter 2009
Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Supervisor: Dr. Anny Castilla
- Focus: First language acquisition and acquisition issues.
- Graded assignments, midterm examinations, and final exams.
Teaching Assistant: Linguistics 200: Introduction to Language
Fall 2008
Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Supervisor: Dr. Naomi Nagy
- Focus: Second-year-level introduction to linguistics course dealing with a wide scope of all areas of linguistics.
- Prepared and taught weekly tutorials, graded assignments and exams.
Tutor (Volunteer): Rwandan University Student Refugee
Fall 2007
Student Refugee Program, World University Service of Canada, University of Victoria, BC
- Prepared and taught original, personalized lessons, edited essays and assignments for university courses, provided comments and suggestions for improvement.
Student Volunteer, English Language Development
Fall 2007
School of Access, Camosun College, Victoria, BC
- Assisted instructor with lessons on a weekly basis, provided feedback for students.
Tutor to International Students of English as an Additional Language
Summer 2007 Victoria, BC
- Prepared and taught original, personalized lessons, edited essays for university-entrance literature class, provided comments and suggestions for improvement.
Practicum: E.A.L. Instructor, General Advanced Placement
class Winter 2007
English Language Program Intensive, English Language Centre, University of Victoria, BC
- Sponsor Teacher: Alix Harvey
- Supervising Instructor: Mice Albano
- Attended class and assisted instructor with lessons on a daily basis, provided feedback for oral and written assignments, editing and marking students’ work, prepared and taught original lessons on vocabulary, grammar, listening, writing, pronunciation, critical thinking and discussion.
Conversation Partner, Conversation Partner Program
Fall 2006
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
- Met regularly with three E.A.L. students, conversed in English, corrected grammar and provided feedback.
Student Volunteer, English Language Program Intensive
Fall 2006
English Language Centre, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
- Assisted instructor with lessons on a weekly basis, provided feedback for students.
University of Manitoba
09/2011-present Colloquia Series planner, Linguistics
Graduate Student Association
04/2011-10/2011 Interim Treasurer, Linguistics
Graduate Student Association
09/2010-09/2011 Councilor, Graduate Student Association
Graduate Student Association
04/2011-10/2011 Interim Treasurer, Linguistics
Graduate Student Association
09/2010-09/2011 Councilor, Graduate Student Association
09/2010-present Co-president, Linguistic Graduate Student
06/2010-present Graduate Student Member, Faculty of Arts
Course and Program Approval Committee (CPAC)
05/2010-present Secretary and Treasurer, Sustainability
Committee, Graduate Students’ Association
University of Toronto
09/2008-08/2009 Treasurer, Linguistics Graduate Course
Union, Department of Linguistics
University of Manitoba
09/2001-05/2003 Student-Faculty Liaison, Faculty of
09/2001-05/2003 Computer Utilization Committee
Representative, Faculty of Architecture
· Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR) Conference, Purdue University, Indiana, September 29, 2010 – October 3, 2010
· Certification in Higher Education Teaching (CHET), University Teaching Services (UTS), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
· Developing Your Teaching Dossier: The Basics, (CHET)
Oct. 14, 2010, CHET, UTS, University of Manitoba
· Making the Grade: The Teacher’s Role in Grading Assessment and Evaluation May 11, 2010, CHET, UTS, University of Manitoba
o Fundamentals of Grading, Assessment and Evaluation
o Rubrics: Simplifying Grading
o Time Management
o Keeping Track of Grades
o Providing Effective Feedback on Writing
o Negotiating with the Professor
o Detecting and Dealing with Plagiarism
· Applying For Academic Jobs, May 19, 2010, CHET, UTS, University of Manitoba
· Introduction to LaTeX Workshop, Fall 2009, Sciences and Technology Library, University of Manitoba
· University Library Workshop, University of Toronto
· Refworks Workshop, University of Toronto
· Linguistics Teaching Assistant Training, September 2008, Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto, Instructor: Paul Arsenault
· TA DAY, University of Toronto, September 3, 2008, Teaching Assistants’ Training Program, University of Toronto
o Teaching Assistants as Transforming agents
o Time Management
o Teaching Tips from Award-winning TAs
o Preparing for your first class in Humanities and Social Sciences
o Preparing for Inclusive Teaching
Canadian Linguistic Association / Association canadienne de linguistique (since 2009)
Sign Language Linguistics Society (since 2011)
TESL Canada (since 2008)
Native English
Fluent French
Beginner-Intermediate American Sign Language
Beginner-Intermediate Spanish
Beginner Swampy Cree
Beginner German