Research info for parents

Hi! My name is Brenna Haimes-Kusumoto, I’m a graduate student of Linguistics at the University of Manitoba. Together with my advisor, Professor Erin Wilkinson, we are studying how young Deaf signers understand ASL and English, so we can understand more how “signing bilingual brains” work compared to “non-signing bilingual brains.”

WHO: We are currently looking for Deaf children in Grade 6-12 (all ages accepted) to participate in the study.

WHAT: Students will be asked to do four simple tasks involving written words and videos on a computer, and reading sentences on paper. Two of these tasks, will be videotaped with your permission.

WHERE: At school, in your home or at the location of your choice.

WHEN: January - April 2015.

HOW LONG: Students who participate and their parents/guardians will meet with me once for about 60-90 minutes (with breaks).